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Hoof Care Price List


 Natural Trim
Applies to most equines, including ponies, minis, donkeys and mules.
Draft horse trims
Applies to Drafts and larger warmbloods.

EquiCast Application

$20.00 per hoof and up

Cast applied to hooves with thin soles or for other therapeutic reasons. Minimum cost is $20.00 a hoof, usually done in pairs for laminitis, depending on size of casting tape and/or pads applied.

Metal Shoe Removal
Flat fee, regardless of how many are on the horse.
Boot Fitting
Free with paid trim, OR boot purchase.
Trip Fees


Trip fees, when applicable, will vary accordingly.



*I reserve the right to charge extra for troublesome horses or those that cause me excessive delay or injury; even if the entire horse is not finished. (I consider it hazard pay and overtime).

* If you need an urgent appt, additional charges will be added for fuel and time. Please try to stay on schedule to avoid those charges.

Client/Practitioner Relationship

  • Please have horse caught or corralled before I arrive.
  • Please have excess mud/manure scraped and brushed off their legs and hooves.
  • Please have your money handy. Checks are accepted unless you develop a history of bad one. Cash, of course! I can accept Paypal, but will pass the payment fees on to you.  
  • Teach your horse to stand and have his feet handled before I arrive.
  • Give me as much notice as possible to cancel your appointment if needed. Habitual last minute cancellations, especially "forgetting" will be sure to end our working relationship. I will be there, and I expect you to be, too. I will do my best to be on time, but will notify you when things change. Due to the nature of my job, I do run late at times, but owners being late make ME late to the next person, and so on. Naughty horses or pulling shoes, not having the horses caught, all make me late to the next place, and that could be YOU waiting the next time.
  • Schedule the next appointment before I leave. Or be sure to call at least 2 weeks before you need my services. It's your job as the owner to schedule the appointments for your horses. It's much easier if we book before I leave.

Thank you for your consideration.